Data PointInformation Data Point ProvidesExplanation of data
Average of all the Rank of all the ASIN's on the tableAverage Price of all the ASIN's on tableAverage of all the prices of all the ASIN's on the table
Average Monthly SalesAverage Monthly Sales of the ASIN's on tableAverage of all the monthly sales of all the ASIN's on the table
Average Monthly RankAverage Monthly Rank of the ASIN's on tableThe average of all the Rank of all the ASIN's on the table
Average ReviewsAverage Reviews of the ASIN's on table Average of all reviews of each ASIN's on table
TitleTitle of ProductTitle found of product found on Amazon Product Page
AsinASIN of Product ASIN of of product found on Amazon Product Page
UPCUPC of Product UPC we retrieved from from historical data source (ig keepa)
BrandBrand of the Product brand of product found on Amazon Product Page
Est. RevenueEstimated Monthly Revenue estimated monthly revenue calculated for this product
Est. SalesEstimated Monthly Sales estimated monthly sales calculated for this product
RankCurrent Rank of Product current Rank we found of product from amazon product page
Avg Rank 30Average 30 Day Rank 30 Day Rank returned from historical data source
Avg Rank 90Average 90 Day Rank 90 Day Rank returned from historical data source
Top %Top percent of product within its category calculated top % of product compared to or products in same category
CategoryCategory of Product category of product we found on amazon product page
Sell Price/Buy Box PriceCurrent Price of Product buy costs you put in spreadsheet uploaded. If NO sell price we use BuyBox $ (if avialable)
Referral FeeAmazon Referral Fee referral fee that amazon revenue calculator returned for this product
Monthly Storage FeeMonthly Storage Fee of Product storage fee that amazon revenue calculator returned for this product
Fulfillment FeeAmazon Fulfillment Fee Amazon fullfillment amazon revenue calculator returned for this product
After FeesProfit after fees profit we calculated using your buy cost and fulfillment fees
Inbound Shipping CostAmazon Inbound Shipping costs calculated inbound shipping we calculated using what is set on settings menu
FBA Custom CostsYour custom costs found on the calculator under FBAThe Custom costs you endered in the settings menu
FBA inv.Placement Service CostCurrent calculated Inventory Placement Service Cost Amazon Inventory Placement Service Cost amazon returned for this product
FBA ProfitFBA profit calculated with buy cost Profit we calculated using your costs found in settings menu
FBM Custom CostsYour custom costs found on the calculator under FBMThis is it what you entered for Custom costs on settings menu
FBM Shipping CostFBM Shipping Cost calculated FBM Shipping cost wecalculated using your costs found in settings menu
FBM ProfitFBM profit calculated with buy cost FBM profit we calculated using your costs found in settings menu
Buy CostYou Buy Cost provided in spreadsheet buy costs you put in spreadsheet uploaded
Brand DetectDoes the Product have a IP brand claimThis shows if a IP claim was found in asinzen brand notification engine
HazmatProduct Hazmat ResultsThis is hazmat status that Amazon returned about ASIN based on your account
CanISellSeller Restriction Checker ResultsThis is restrictions status that Amazon returned about ASIN based on your account
FBA New OffersTotal FBA new offers total number of FBA offers found on product page
FBM New OffersTotal FBM new offers total number of FBM offers found on product page
AMZ PriceCurrent Amazon Listed Price current Amazon Listed price we found form product page
ReviewsNumber of Review found on listing number of reviews from of product from product page
RatingCurrently Rating of Product current rating of product found from product page
FulfillmentCurrent Product Fulfillment Type (ig Amazon FBA) Amazon fulfillment fee Amazon revenue calculator returned for this product
Referral Fee %Current Referal Fee of product in category Amazon Referal Fee Percent that amazon charges for this ASIN
FBM Lowest Price 11st Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 1st
FBM Lowest Price 22nd Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 2nd
FBM Lowest Price 33rd Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 3rd
FBM Lowest Price 44th Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 4th
FBM Lowest Price 55th Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 5th
FBM Profit 1Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 1 profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 1st
FBM Profit 2Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 2 profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 2nd
FBM Profit 3Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 3 profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 3rd
FBM Profit 4Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 4 profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 4th
FBM Profit 5Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 5 profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 5th
FBM ROI% 1ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 1 ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 1st
FBM ROI% 2ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 2 ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 2nd
FBM ROI% 3ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 3 ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 3rd
FBM ROI% 4ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 4 ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 4th
FBM ROI% 5ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 5 ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 5th
FBA ROI%ROI percent by FBA ProfitThis is ROI that is calcualted by FBA profit
FBM ROI%ROI percent by FBM Profit ( using sell price or buy box)This is ROI that is calcualted by FBM Profit using data of Sell Price of Buy Box
Shipping WeightThe product shipping weight Product shipping shipping weight returned from Amazon
Size tierThe product size tierProduct Size tier (standard oversized etc) returned by Amazon
Lenght Product LenghtProduct Lenght returned by amazon
WeightProduct WeightProduct Weight returned by amazon
HeightProduct HeightProduct Height returned by amazon