Data Point | Information Data Point Provides | Explanation of data |
Average of all the Rank of all the ASIN's on the table | Average Price of all the ASIN's on table | Average of all the prices of all the ASIN's on the table |
Average Monthly Sales | Average Monthly Sales of the ASIN's on table | Average of all the monthly sales of all the ASIN's on the table |
Average Monthly Rank | Average Monthly Rank of the ASIN's on table | The average of all the Rank of all the ASIN's on the table |
Average Reviews | Average Reviews of the ASIN's on table | Average of all reviews of each ASIN's on table |
Title | Title of Product | Title found of product found on Amazon Product Page |
Asin | ASIN of Product | ASIN of of product found on Amazon Product Page |
UPC | UPC of Product | UPC we retrieved from from historical data source (ig keepa) |
Brand | Brand of the Product | brand of product found on Amazon Product Page |
Est. Revenue | Estimated Monthly Revenue | estimated monthly revenue calculated for this product |
Est. Sales | Estimated Monthly Sales | estimated monthly sales calculated for this product |
Rank | Current Rank of Product | current Rank we found of product from amazon product page |
Avg Rank 30 | Average 30 Day Rank | 30 Day Rank returned from historical data source |
Avg Rank 90 | Average 90 Day Rank | 90 Day Rank returned from historical data source |
Top % | Top percent of product within its category | calculated top % of product compared to or products in same category |
Category | Category of Product | category of product we found on amazon product page |
Sell Price/Buy Box Price | Current Price of Product | buy costs you put in spreadsheet uploaded. If NO sell price we use BuyBox $ (if avialable) |
Referral Fee | Amazon Referral Fee | referral fee that amazon revenue calculator returned for this product |
Monthly Storage Fee | Monthly Storage Fee of Product | storage fee that amazon revenue calculator returned for this product |
Fulfillment Fee | Amazon Fulfillment Fee | Amazon fullfillment amazon revenue calculator returned for this product |
After Fees | Profit after fees | profit we calculated using your buy cost and fulfillment fees |
Inbound Shipping Cost | Amazon Inbound Shipping costs calculated | inbound shipping we calculated using what is set on settings menu |
FBA Custom Costs | Your custom costs found on the calculator under FBA | The Custom costs you endered in the settings menu |
FBA inv.Placement Service Cost | Current calculated Inventory Placement Service Cost | Amazon Inventory Placement Service Cost amazon returned for this product |
FBA Profit | FBA profit calculated with buy cost | Profit we calculated using your costs found in settings menu |
FBM Custom Costs | Your custom costs found on the calculator under FBM | This is it what you entered for Custom costs on settings menu |
FBM Shipping Cost | FBM Shipping Cost calculated | FBM Shipping cost wecalculated using your costs found in settings menu |
FBM Profit | FBM profit calculated with buy cost | FBM profit we calculated using your costs found in settings menu |
Buy Cost | You Buy Cost provided in spreadsheet | buy costs you put in spreadsheet uploaded |
Brand Detect | Does the Product have a IP brand claim | This shows if a IP claim was found in asinzen brand notification engine |
Hazmat | Product Hazmat Results | This is hazmat status that Amazon returned about ASIN based on your account |
CanISell | Seller Restriction Checker Results | This is restrictions status that Amazon returned about ASIN based on your account |
FBA New Offers | Total FBA new offers | total number of FBA offers found on product page |
FBM New Offers | Total FBM new offers | total number of FBM offers found on product page |
AMZ Price | Current Amazon Listed Price | current Amazon Listed price we found form product page |
Reviews | Number of Review found on listing | number of reviews from of product from product page |
Rating | Currently Rating of Product | current rating of product found from product page |
Fulfillment | Current Product Fulfillment Type (ig Amazon FBA) | Amazon fulfillment fee Amazon revenue calculator returned for this product |
Referral Fee % | Current Referal Fee of product in category | Amazon Referal Fee Percent that amazon charges for this ASIN |
FBM Lowest Price 1 | 1st Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest | lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 1st |
FBM Lowest Price 2 | 2nd Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest | lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 2nd |
FBM Lowest Price 3 | 3rd Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest | lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 3rd |
FBM Lowest Price 4 | 4th Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest | lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 4th |
FBM Lowest Price 5 | 5th Lowest priced Fullfilled by Merchant Lowest | lowest priced FBM offer that is detected as 5th |
FBM Profit 1 | Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 1 | profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 1st |
FBM Profit 2 | Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 2 | profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 2nd |
FBM Profit 3 | Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 3 | profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 3rd |
FBM Profit 4 | Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 4 | profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 4th |
FBM Profit 5 | Profit calculated by FBM Lowest Price 5 | profit that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 5th |
FBM ROI% 1 | ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 1 | ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 1st |
FBM ROI% 2 | ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 2 | ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 2nd |
FBM ROI% 3 | ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 3 | ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 3rd |
FBM ROI% 4 | ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 4 | ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 4th |
FBM ROI% 5 | ROI percent calculated by FBM Lowest Price 5 | ROI % that is calculated using FBM lowest price that is detected as 5th |
FBA ROI% | ROI percent by FBA Profit | This is ROI that is calcualted by FBA profit |
FBM ROI% | ROI percent by FBM Profit ( using sell price or buy box) | This is ROI that is calcualted by FBM Profit using data of Sell Price of Buy Box |
Shipping Weight | The product shipping weight | Product shipping shipping weight returned from Amazon |
Size tier | The product size tier | Product Size tier (standard oversized etc) returned by Amazon |
Lenght | Product Lenght | Product Lenght returned by amazon |
Weight | Product Weight | Product Weight returned by amazon |
Height | Product Height | Product Height returned by amazon |